Monday, August 15, 2005


As if I wasn't praying hard enough -- gee, writing that sentence brought me up short. Because really, I haven't been. I mean, I've been praying, but I haven't been davening, if you catch the difference. I have a long way to go to correct that but I'll try.

Back to what I started to say, but I guess I better put it a little differently: As if I didn't have enough to pray for in general, about the pending situation in Israel right now, a dear friend of mine, with her husband and their three children (all under the age of 5), are camped out in Gush Katif. I called her this morning (that is, Monday morning, because I am still up even if I shouldn't be) to find out if they were still there and to beg her to leave before, at the very least, her babies see things they really shouldn't see. I won't dispute her political position, as I've mentioned before -- my feelings and opinions are too confused for that. But I can't imagine, at this point, that the eviction will not occur, so added to my prayers is one that she makes a good decision and keeps her family safe, physically and otherwise. Please, Adina???


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