Friday, March 17, 2006

In the end...

י״ז אדר, תשס״ו
Not that anyone here provided any suggestions, but I managed to come up with a reasonably clever Purim costume (if I do say so myself). I was the soothsayer from Julius Caesar, sort of. I wore a bedsheet toga, a wreath of fake leaves & flowers on my head, and carried a sign that said, "Beware the Ides of Adar."


Well, I was looking at the calendar a couple of nights earlier, and realized that the 15th of March fell this year on the 15th of Adar, just when I happen to be living in Jerusalem where Purim is celebrated on the 15th rather than the 14th. And so, with a little assistance from Aviel in the research of ancient Roman garb, I entered the spirit of "v'nahafoch hu" [Literally, "and he/it was changed/switched/flipped; the concept that on Purim, both in the original story and hence at this time every year, things are turned on their heads. Irony and poetic justice reign.]

The funniest costume idea I've heard of recently, though, is from a commenter to the Renegade Rebbetzin: "One year I made a crown, and had a picture of a turkey in one hand (I couldn't find a rubber/toy turkey) with a Koosh ball in the other: ha-molech mei-Hodu v'ad Kush..."

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I'd read that before Purim!


At 4:20 AM, Blogger Soferet said...

Thanks for sharing it. & hey, it was fun to discuss costume ideas with you over IM. You inspired me, too.
& btw, thanks for the link, but it no workie, Honey.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Alisha said...

Fixed, but I had to try two or three times. Blogger does some odd things sometimes...


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