Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Punikah? Chanurim?

One of the women in the community, for whom I babysat last week and probably will again after finals, called me up yesterday afternoon. "Do you want a doughnut?" Err...what? "Well, I made sufganiyot -- too many -- and now I'm driving around giving them out to friends. If you want some, I'll call you in a couple of minutes when I'm in front of your house." Sure enough, I got the call, came downstairs, and was handed a paper towel with four sugared mini-doughnut balls, two with jam and two without. Yummy!

If I had to rate the sweetness of the doughnuts, the thought and the effort, the doughnuts would lose. I felt like I was getting mishloach manot for Chanukah! :-)


At 8:37 PM, Blogger Soferet said...

That's probably because you were :) I think Purim & Chanukah are different facets of the same Jewish Birth Story. Other facets include the Exodus, the return to the Land with Ezra...basically each verse of Ma'oz Tzur outlines a different facet of Tribal Birth.
I'm sorry the sufganiyot weren't tasty. You should try some in Vancouver, if you ever visit here.
Kol tuv

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Alisha said...

Thanks for the insights. You misunderstood though -- they were VERY tasty! The sweetness rating was a positive comment on her spontaneous gift-giving, not a negative comment on the sufganiyot. Actually, I liked them better becasuse they weren't super-sweet.

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Soferet said...

Oops - sorry (blush)! Well, I'm very happy that they were great after all :)
& thanks a lot for linking to my blog & the Women's Torah Project.
Leylah tov


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