City Life
I was walking through Central Park to where I was invited for lunch today, and there was an odd arrangement lining the walkways on the way into and out of the park. It consisted of rows of stone slabs about three feet long, with two smaller pieces of stone about three inches thick under each end of each slab. Each unit had a flat, plastic, iridescent orange thing on either end of it that reminded me of the little orange tags around newly planted lawns that tell people not to walk on them.
Apparently, these are the foundations of The Gates that will soon be erected as an art exhibit. My first impression of them, however, was of baby benches being planted so that they can grow into big, strong adult benches. Hey -- in a city whose storekeepers and building maintenance personnel spend all the non-winter months watering the sidewalk, it would hardly surprise me.
I wonder if you can put little babies on the baby benches, water them both, and watch them both? Sort of like a human chia pet?
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