Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Is it just me?

...or is it really rather absurd that the New York Public Library branch I returned a book to today does not have a book return bin? I leaned between the 15+ people waiting at the desk to ask "Where can I just return this?" The woman pointed to the line. I didn't understand -- I explained that I didn't have to pay a fee. A woman on the line said, "Neither do I."

Flabbergasted, I took my place at the back of the line. But really, they're not saving their own staff any time or effort that way, they're just aggravating the people who have to wait and annoying everyone else in the library by making it so crowded. When I finally got back to the desk, I politely asked the woman behind it why they don't have a bin for books that aren't overdue and don't need to be renewed, and she just gave me a blank stare and didn't answer.

Our tax dollars at work.


At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have the same problem here at my branch, which is a regional branch. They explained it to me- it seems that people tend to put other objects in the bins, and some of them tend to destroy books. Use your imagination.

The Morningside Heights branch has a bin.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Alisha said...

No, but I don't mean they should have a drop-box outside, where anyone on the street can drop whatever they want. I just mean they should have a bin on, in or under the front desk, where people can leave books right under the noses of the staff without having to wait in line for them to be checked in.

At 1:46 AM, Blogger ilan said...

You were flabbergasted? I like the word flabbergasted. I could say it all day. ("Flabbergasted, flabbergasted, flabbergasted...") But then people in my classes start to stare and murmur.
- i

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely understand, Lish! We have a similar problem here in New Haven (books can be dropped in a drop-box after hours, but you need to walk down this really sketchy-why-don't-I-just-set-myself-up-to-be-assaulted alley to get to it. Otherwise you need to drop books at the desk. Why not have a secure drop box into which a medium-large book will fit...Anything oversized can be taken to the desk, but at least most people can drop into the box! When we rule the world...


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