Sunday, October 09, 2005

New Material

ז' תשרי, תשס״ו
Read on down from before my post wishing you all a Shana Tova (although I still do, and a g'mar chatima tova at that).

Apologies for my lack of emailing -- I'll get there. Please know that I really appreciate your emails even if I don't get to respond to them. Hopefully I'll get to the point where I can be in touch on a more regular basis.

Oh, and please note, if it's of interest or relevance, that Israel has moved off of Daylight Savings Time (sniff!) as of this past Saturday night, so the difference between here and the U.S. is six hours now, not seven.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Soferet said...

You mean the east coast, right;+>
You New Yorkers! So...adorable!
G'mar tov back atcha!

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Alisha said...

Er...uh...right. That's what I meant. Of course. ;-}

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Soferet said...

It's great to have you back writing, Alisha - I've missed it! I'm enjoying your perspective on the Aretz.


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