Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Speaking of the Subway...

I've been meaning for a while to post a really great "Metropolitan Diary" entry that lined the subway cars and buses a few months back:

Dear Diary,
While waiting for the subway at the 57th St. station, I noticed a well-dressed man standing on the platform close to the tracks. He was removing his gray suede gloves, and as he pulled the first one off, it slipped from his grip and fell onto the tracks below. Without pausing, he removed the other glove and threw it onto the tracks to join its mate.
I smiled and he smiled, and we both knew that he had thrown the second glove so that some lucky track repairman would find a pair of new and wearable gloves. - Ira L. Levinson

Of course, in practicality the gloves would probably have become wet, muddy, gritty, smelly, or any number of other adjectives that things acquire by lying in the NYC subway for more than 3 seconds, long before any track worker got to them. Still, I wish more people had that mentality.


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