Sunday, December 18, 2005

A View....

י״ז כסלו, תשס״ו
I thought a few photos might be appreciated, even if I can't seem to get around to writing anything much these days. Enjoy!

The beginnings of a Yerushalayim sunset, looking down from Bayit v'Gan

Same scene, zoomed in

All over the world, there are signs on public transport asking passengers to give their seats to the elderly & disabled. Here, they just quote the Torah!

An alley in Nachlaot, a very old and quaint neighborhood of Yerushalayim

A pomegranate tree in Nachlaot. It's so cool to see rimonim growing all over the country. I even saw an etrog tree a few weeks ago...

A lone tree in the ancient town of Susya

Remains of a gemara-era synagogue in Susya

The town of Even Sapir (trans: Sapphire Stone), seen during our hike around the springs on the outskirts of Yerushalayim

Another scene from the same hike, and an underground spring that I would have very much enjoyed exploring had it not been the middle of December!

All right, enough. Hopefully there will be more to come...


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