In case anyone was wondering
י"ט אדר ב', תשס"ח
...well, no, probably not. I doubt there's anyone out there left to wonder. But just in case there is, I'll clarify that I didn't come back to the blogosphere to write about bugs. I'm trying to come back in general because it's good for me to write about things in daily life -- it keeps me noticing a level of detail and thinking about wording and new perspectives the way I might not otherwise. But I'm lazy, so I often think of a good post, even start writing it, and then wander off. When I manage to get as far as the "post" button it's a success, even if it is about, uh, things no one wants to read about. So there. I'll keep trying to talk to myself, and you can keep not reading, ok?
י"א אדר ב', תשס"ח
WARNING: If you are particularly squeamish of bugs, I'd advise against reading -- or even glancing at -- this post.I had the rather harrowing experience this morning of having my gradual waking-up process (three pre-set alarms, additional snoozes) interrupted by suddenly noticing a large dark spot, which appeared to be moving, on the corner of the ceiling above my bed. I sleep in a loft bed, so this was really quite close to me, but lacking any visual acuity to speak of, I couldn't consider doing the first thing about it without a pair of supplemental lenses. In a flash I was down the ladder, had my glasses on, and, armed with a drinking glass and a paper brochure, was back up on my bed to play captor.I have a pretty clear-cut feeling about insects: I have to be in control. I can look at them with fascination if they're behind glass, or even outside if they don't sting and/or I can move faster than they. But in my own domain, the cup-and-paper trick* better work, and it better be easy. Thankfully, in this particular case it was, and I relocated the intruder to a home many feet below my kitchen window. What I'd like to know, however, is how it got in. I've only ever seen anything like this creature once before in my life, and that was a year ago in this very apartment. Twice in a year and a half is hardly enough to declare infestation...but I'd really rather not see another!I am far from a stellar housekeeper, but what we are talking about is not the kind of bug you get when your dishes sit in the sink too long. I've maybe seen one roach in this apartment, ever, although I get the occasional silverfish. This gigantic specimen, though, is a creepy-crawly-phobe's nightmare...which is why I've spent this much space babbling before posting a picture, to reduce the likelihood of someone catching a glimpse by accident. The photo below was not taken this morning, while I was frantically trying to pre-empt a leap into my comforter. Is was taken during last year's sighting, against the much more advantageous (for me) backdrop of the bathtub:
*cup-and-paper trick: If you're not familiar with this, it's invaluable. Many times I've been the hero in a Bug Situation, because I'm ok with handling them as long as I'm not physically touching them. This is a two-handed endeavor: Take a cup, glass, bowl, etc. Ideally, the mouth should be small enough to easily cover the bug on one try but not so large that you have trouble holding the paper cover over it once you have your prey. Clear is nice, because then you can reassure yourself more easily that you've still got 'em. Take a piece of paper or cardboard from that pile of junk mail on the table. (What? Doesn't everyone have a pile of junk mail on the table?) Stiffer is better, but it shouldn't be too thick or you'll have trouble sliding it between the cup and whatever surface your uninvited guest is roosting on...which is exactly what you do immediately after enclosing him with the cup. Make sure that the edge of the cup is pressed against the paper all the way around, then, holding the cup with one hand and the paper tightly against it with the other, escort your guest out the window or door, into the toilet, or to another more homey location. (Hey, everything's a matter of perspective, right?) If you don't have an accomplice you might have to put your makeshift cage down for a minute to clear some obstacles, but I've never seen a bug strong enough to lift even a light plastic cup. You're safe, as long as you're not too clumsy...
Open Question to the World
ט' אדר ב', תשס"ח
I know, it's been a very long time. And I'm hoping to get back into it soon...but in the meantime here's the most concise article I've read on Israel's right to defend herself. (Hat tip: Treppenwitz)