Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Another piece in the puzzle

Yay! I found someone who wants to adopt my gerbils. And I sent a contract to my subletter this evening. And Columbia finally paid Cornell what they owe so Cornell could pay me, so I may be able to pay off my credit card bill sometime soon.

Immediate goals:
  • Figure out where to get relatively clean boxes and packing materials cheaply (or free)
  • Figure out how to pack all the things I need to pack into the space I need to pack them -- FAST
  • Figure out which of the courses at Columbia that fulfill my requirement I will be able to handle, do the paperwork to get it approved by Cornell, do the other paperwork to get the tuition waived by Columbia, and register
  • Pray that it doesn't snow next week when I need to travel from Ithaca to NYC! it telling that "prayer" is last on my list? Gotta work on that...


At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free and a huge supply of boxes can usually be had with a quick trip to the liquor store ... they are meant to cary a heavy load, are a good size so that they don't get unbearably heavy, and FREE! Tape can be free from the US post office I believe. Can you guess who left this msg? Why it's the YI/CJL alcoholic!

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Alisha said...

I know it, but
a) I need to be able to get there and back to get them
b) liquor boxes are great for books and papers but a bit too small (and not always clean enough) for pots & pans and clothes.

Thanks for the thought, though.


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