Monday, March 14, 2005

Absentminded Freak!!!

Now, don't get all insulted. I'm talking about myself.

This morning I had grand plans for making a big list of all the things I need to accomplish, and actually doing a visible chunk of them. I took several items with me that I needed to make phone calls about them from work. I made sure that I remembered my cell phone, which I sometimes forget.

I walked to the subway (four between-avenue blocks, which is just under half a mile), went down the stairs, and then realized that I had taken my unlimited Metrocard out of my jacket pocket while I was away over shabbat and never put it back. "Darn," I thought. "There goes $3 down the drain, and on top of that I'll have to wait on these ridiculous Monday morning lines." I've never been able to figure out why people wait until Monday morning to buy their new weekly card, or to buy any kind of Metrocard, for that matter, when they know the rest of the world will be standing with them on lines that stretch from the token booth (hmmm, that's a rather outdated term) and the vending machines all the way to the turnstiles.

Anyway, I reached into my pocket and started looking for the end of the line...and then realized that my wallet (which I had put back in after shabbat) was still sitting in my room where I left it after adding a little more cash last night. I thought I had put it right where my work badge was (which I had taken with me), but apparently I had hid it from myself. So I had no money on me at all -- no cash, no plastic. I turned around, went back up the stairs, and went all the way back home.

A wonderfully efficient start to a productive (ahem, ahem...pardon me, I seem to have something stuck in my throat) day.


At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for falling off the face of the Earth. The combination of either sharing 1 computer with 70 other students and having to use the net in 30 minute time-blocks, or having to go to the central bus station in the middle of the night, together with AOL's recent upgrade which makes it a lark if whatever computer I'm on at any given moment will be able to load the page, makes it nearly impossible for me to send email these days, and a little bit more possible for me to read email these days. I am hereby touching base with you and everyone else I know who reads this blog. The Earth, after all, is round. The internet on the other hand...

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helloooooooooooooo, Ms. Lost!


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