Tuesday, June 21, 2005

They Start Younger Every Year...

Nearly three weeks ago, I wore a black cap and gown for my college graduation.

Eight years ago, I wore a white cap and gown for my high school graduation.

I was walking to the subway last Friday morning and saw a little girl dressed in a baby-pink gown, trying to fix her cap...for her kindergarten graduation??

When I finished sixth grade, I graduated from the "lower school," and there was a ceremony, but officially it was called "advancement." Not graduation, not commencement, and certainly no regalia. I'm not sure how I feel about this trend of aggrandizing every step. It's cute and exciting for a little kid to think they're graduating, just like they've probably seen older relatives do. I guess it falls into the category of positive reinforcement, especially if they had to exhibit certain good behaviors associated with having successfully absorbed the values taught in kindergarten. But still, part of me thinks it's just a wee bit melodramatic. I guess that's the part of me that hasn't yet gotten over being selfishly jealous over my own hard-earned claim to the title "graduate."


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