Friday, March 18, 2005

Mishloach Manot and Tzedakah

Many of my friends and acquaintances have heard me talk about my dear friend in Israel, Adina, and her family there, and her husband Ben-Yishai, and his family there...and about his brother, Gavriel Hoter, yz"b, hy"d, who was murdered in Yeshivat Otniel along with three other students in December of 2002.

Since that time, their family has been both beneficiaries and contributors to the Terror Victims Association/Almagor. This organization, like many others, helps victims and their families; however, there are two things which make TVA unique. First, they have been in operation since long before the intense violence of the last few years. In fact, they have been operating since 1986 and continue to give assistance to those who were struck that long ago. Second, the organization was founded by and continues to be largely supported by the efforts of victims and their families. In that way, people whose lives have been damaged by terror can heal through the mutual support of others who know their pain.

For Purim, TVA is sending mishlochei manot to families in their care. They have produced very nice cards which, upon sponsorship of one such basket ($20), one may send to a friend in lieu of or in addition to actual mishloach manot. As Ben-Yishai is currently in the US, I have a pile of these cards. If anyone is interested in sponsoring TVA's m"m, please let me know as soon as possible.

Please tell me how many cards you would like and your address. If you tell me before shabbat hopefully that will give you enough time to send them out to your own friends before Purim. Alternatively, if you would like me to write in your name and your friends' names and mail them directly, please tell me their names and addresses.

Shabbat shalom to all!


At 4:25 AM, Blogger Soccer Dad said...

Gavriel Hoter's father is a tour guide. His father has shown my parents around the Golan once or twice.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Alisha said...

Oh...I didn't know what he does, but somehow that doesn't surprise me. They're quite a family.

Welcome, btw...


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